
Moving your Angular 1.x app to Angular 2 – Osimo, 14 aprile 2016

Have you used some of my ‘best practices’ for writing an AngularJs 1.x application using TypeScript we saw in the last session, Angular 1.x and TypeScript the ‘right’ way?
Good! It’s time for the next step and convert that application to Angular 2.

In this session we will take a first look at Angular 2.0 using TypeScript as our language of choice.
We will have a pratical introduction at Angular 2:

  •  How to setup our development enviroment.
  • What is a Component and how the new Dependency Injection works.
  • Wire-up everything to see how an application comes to life.
  •  Conversion Angular 1 Services, Controllers and Directives to Components.

we will start from when we left last time and we’ll move forward migrating our application to Angular 2.


  • You should be able to understand English (at least the English Alessandro speaks 😉 )
  • Knowledge of JavaScript
  • Some knowledge of AngularJs
  • Visual Studio Code ( or your favorite editor
  • NodeJs, NPM and Gulp installed (
  • Basic knowledge of how Gulp works
  • You should view the last session: Angular 1.x and TypeScript the ‘right’ way ( )

Location: Cowo42 Via Giolitti 14 , fraz. Osimo Stazione, Osimo Italia


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